Dispute Process


1. Letters are mailed to Equifax, Experian and or TransUnion. We only dispute up to 5 accounts at a time. You also have the option for us to mail debt collectors directly and possibly sue them.

2. EQ, EX and TU have 30 days to respond to your dispute letters once they receive them 

      A) If they respond with a stall letter, I sue them.

      B) If they dont respond, you have the option to mail certified mail for $7. And if they dont            respond again, I sue.   

      C) If they respond with anything other that what I ask for in your dispute letter, I sue.


3.   Round 2 letters are different for everyone & depend on the response from EQ, EX & TU.

      A) Demand letters are mailed if they violate any FCRA law.

      B) Round 2 dispute letters are mailed if no FCRA law was violated.


4.  Once Steps 1-3 are completed, we build your credit.